FUCKING DRAMA – Michael Podogil (Austria, 2017) 15’01”


A young couple in love experiences an evening of theater that changes their lives dramatically . A brutal confrontation with the zeitgeist.



Director statement: FUCKING DRAMA is a hard confrontation with the zeitgeist – emerged from an ease ofcarefree life. While writing the script, I could identify myself with all the figures in the play.Therefore I felt ashamed . Who is not a voyeur? Who is not obsessed by attention andrecognition? Who can honestly say that an others destiny is more important than the own.The theater group exceeds the lines of humanity but thinks they do something good.They galvanize the audience, burst the bubbles they live in, shows them – us – what fearand suffering really means. An experience that puts their own life in a different light andthe ones of those who seek fore help. But as we know, the end doesn’t always justify the means. In fact, I am a very happy person, enjoy my work and love to laugh. I think you can tell inthis film as well. The laughing and the crying mask, severity and irony. The fool and thewoman in tutu, life and death. FUCKING DRAMA.