The crew of a German u-boat on a mission in the North Atlantic witness strange phenomena on board. After an inexplicable explosion in the engine room, the submarine slowly sinks to the abyssal depths, while madness decimates the submariners.
Director – Alain Fournier

Alain Fournier a réalisé plusieurs courts métrages de fiction et d’animation primés en festivals et diffusés un peu partout sur la planète. Il s’intéresse particulièrement au cinéma fantastique. LE TEMPLE est son premier court métrage animé entièrement en 3D et est adapté librement de la nouvelle éponyme du célèbre écrivain H.P Lovecraft.
Alain Fournier has directed several short fiction and animation films that have won awards at festivals and screened all over the planet. He is particularly interested in supernatural dramas. LE TEMPLE is his first animated short film entirely in 3D and is adapted from the eponymous short story by acclaimed writer H.P Lovecraft.