Yellow is a short animated film telling metaphoric story of young opera singer Viola. Scared of everything yellow, sunny and spontaneous she hides herself in sad violet shadows. Will she find her way to happiness?
Director Biography – Ivana Sebestova
Ivana Šebestová graduated from animated film at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava. Her master’s film Lionardo Mio (2005) won the Bologna European Festival of Film Schools. She gained many national and international awards for her short films Four (Štyri, 2007) and Snow (Sneh, 2013).
Together with Katarína Kerekesová she created an educational film for the Slovak National Museum How I Went with Grandpa to Visit the Ancestors (Ako som šiel s dedkom na návštevu k predkom, 2010).
Ivana Šebestová illustrated several books for children and currently she is working on TV special Mimi & Lisa Christmas Lights Mystery.