Synopsis: Caihong City is a sci-fi fairytale about Liu Junjie (Zhao Lewis Liu), a dying genius who struggles to complete a Supertask in order to be allowed entrance into Furui City, the rich neighboring metropolis and hub of all medical care. However, his Supertask has a glitch! To find out what – or who – the glitch is, Liu Junjie has to form an unlikely alliance with the crazy vagabond Serioja (Marian Adochitei) and depressed prostitute Lavinia (Lana Moscaliuc) and venture amidst the city’s twisted Sektors.
Director Bio: Florina Titz was born in Romania in 1986. She directed and written the 2008 queer cult Romanian classic indie film “TRIP”. She currently lives in New York City and she is working on her second feature film: the science fiction named Caihong City. Her film work has been screened at festivals such as Cinefondation Cannes, Chicago Underground, IPIFF Romania, Cinefantastique etc.
Director: Florina Titz; Writer: Florina Titz, Veronica Jordan Sardi, Zhao Lewis Liu; Producer: Florina Titz, zhao Lewis Liu, Roy Wol, Veronica Jordan-sardi; Key Cast: Zhao Lewis Liu, Marian Adochitei, Lana Moscaliuc
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Caihong City Official Teaser Trailer #1 (2016) –