In winter, in Himalaya, a bear does not manage to fall asleep. He thinks too much and is in the doldrums.
When a white monkey suggests him going to eat some honey at his aunt to change him the ideas. A beautiful winter night opens has they and the bear realizes that he did well, not to fall asleep.
Director – LIA BERTELS
Lia Bertels studied the cartoon film inthe Cambre (2006-2011). Director in the soul, her becomes attached very fast to a poetic cinema giving so much importance for the writing as for the expression of her characters, any heights of intentions and humor (” It’s none of your business”, ” Youssouf le Souffleur) “.
She likes lingering over the details which say length about it on the characters and dedicate every his energy and its spirit to represent the invisible in each of us, the unconfessed gesture which betrays us all in our most just character, leaving behind her a profound lesson of humanism.
Musical clips were realized live in the pure illustration via(including) the animation there, its instrument of preference, Lia Bertels makes of the graphic expression, which she masters in her way in an effective and bare style, a real plea for the deep nature of beings, taking her public in an extremely intimate sphere of perceptions and feelings.