Synopsis: In the city shred by terror, a mysterious shape-shifting man, strikes fear into the hearts of the citizens. A wild, innocent cat nearly falls victim to the strange monster, however he discovers his great secret.
Director Bio: Jan Julian Rospond was born on 1st November 1994 in Cracow, Poland. At the age of 15 he moved to United Kingdom. He lived in Northampton where he studied Art&Design course for two years. Despite having shown interest in various disciplines, his greatest passion was film making. He moved to Birmingham to join Film&Animation course at Birmingham City University. After completing the course he was awarded Bachelor of Arts and Honours with First Class. Since graduating his film ”The Curse of the were-Rat” has won the Royal Television Society Student Award.
Director: Jan Julian Rospond; Visual Effects: William Marler, Jan Julian Rospond
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