Synopsis: A painter living in Hollywood is sent to hell by his own sister
Director Bio: Vincent de Ghoulie was born in Evanston, IL (January, 1988). After attending numerous public schools, studying under the wing of the Hallmark channel, soap operas, and Lifetime movies, he made his way into a private high school for the arts in Chicago where he studied film. After graduating this academy, he moved to San Francisco where he studied under the wing of George Kuchar. After many misadventures which he will be quick to boast about, Ghoulie re-located from the Bay to Los Angeles where he is now an avid long distance runner, painter, screenwriter, and independent filmmaker operating Studio Ghoulie
Director: Vincent de Ghoulie; Writer: Vincent de Ghoulie; Producer: Vincent de Ghoulie; Key Cast: Vincent de Ghoulie, Vera R. Taylor
Director Website: http://studioghoulie.
facebook film page: https://www.facebook.